So brush off your cowboy hat and wake up your butler - it’s time to show the world what the Deadlock gang is capable of. The new Ashe-themed Challenge in Overwatch started on July 22nd, and runs until July 5th.
The first chapter is free to read right now, and if that hooks you the book is available from most major retailers. From now until March 9, players will be able to earn two limited-time player icons, 7 sprays, and the epic Mardi Gras Ashe skin, for a total of 10 new rewards.
The video accompanying the tweet prominently features a silhouette of a new skin for Ashe, judging by the shape of the hat.

The launch date of the Overwatch Ashe’s Deadlock challenge is June 22nd, as we’ve said up top, and as you can see in the tweet below. In that tweet, players could see Ashe’s silhouette presumably in her new skin as well as when it will take place, during a short teaser. Overwatch Ashe’s Deadlock Challenge Release Date. In form if not in name, the Deadlock Gangs genesis lies with the actions of Elizabeth Ashe and her initial heists with Jesse McCree, B.O.B., Frankie, and Julian. 02:15 Overwatch 2: We finally know the release date of the closed beta and it's soon 08:56 The team behind Overwatch 2 said that porting to Switch is 'challenging' 08:35 Overwatch event 'Deadlock Challenge' focuses on Ashe 03:12 RunAway announces end of its Overwatch venture 11:59 Blizzard shows off character model updates for Overwatch 2 06:37 Overwatch is getting Cross-Play soon 05:25 'What. This event was announced on the official Overwatch Twitter account yesterday. the Deadlock Gang) are a notorious crime group that operate in the American southwest. The challenge will be starting very soon.
You’ll be able to read about the early days of the Deadlock gang when Ashe and McCree were still friends, planning and executing a series of heists. A new Ashe skin is coming to Overwatch, as part of Ashe’s Deadlock Challenge. If you want more Overwatch action and juicy lore about Ashe, this event also coincides with the release of the new Overwatch novel Deadlock Rebels by Lindsay Ely. Blizzard will be highlighting a different Overwatch streamer every day until the event is over, but anybody streaming Overwatch will unlock the sprays for you if you’ve linked your Twitch and accounts. Earn rebellious new rewards, including a player icon, sprays featuring your favorite gunslingers, and Deadlock Ashe Legendary. in it and is therefore worth watching for. Four hours gets you a pair of sprays including a young McCree, and watching six hours of Overwatch gets you three more sprays. Luckily players won’t need to win their games to warn points, but it does speed it up the process. Players can only earn these Deadlock Gang themed skins during this window. Watching two hours of Overwatch gets you an adorable spray of Ashe and a stack of pancakes. Ashe’s Deadlock Challenge runs from June 22 to July 5. You’ll also be able to earn additional in-game sprays by watching Overwatch streams on Twitch.