() Not Azul: Worked perfectly, currently down (as is the other script bot) because of update 2.0 but hopefully it'll get updated soon.() Tyson Fenier: I can't get it to open, what should I do?.I've installed the Extension but I don't see this Cheat list toggle anywhere on the left hand side? Am I missing something?

*Always remember to save your 'EXPORT' save incase anything happens to your account and save your self a big headache later.* As of 07/09/21 the engine is still running perfectly without any issue. I hope this helps everyone still confused. Click that eye to show the menu and click 'CHEAT MENU (ON)' to enable Power leveling & ID number/items numbers section.

Anyone who is still looking or cannot find the cheat menu, All the way at the bottom of the left sidebar where your Stats, Social, and other Settings is located, right below 'Privacy Policy' at the very bottom is a bright blue text will say 'CHEAT TOOL' with Slash though an Eye. I noticed if you've just opened the Melvor Idle client and you click a account, you simply just need to logout and log back in the same account and the Engine will start. () Jay Buckley (ghfghf7): Thank goodness, I had just lost a week and a half of progress after just starting the game and was pretty crushed, i was able to put them back with this without having to learn the super complicated save editor.
() Arifis Wijaya: For everyone wondering how to open this extenssion, this extension is open only if youre playing melvor idle online in your chrome and navigate it on the left side bar to bootom to activate this.() Kim Roi Lemak: Its great but please update soon!.Import your new decode data and that should work from the site and bangg opaaa baby you can thank me later. On the main menu you should see create a new character and just on the right click on import. If not just add me or comment on my profile.Įdit your new value like ive done(Bit much back LOL) download your new save, go back on the website insert your new decode data and find the value of your gold for example my value is 20 or your mine levels of 5 or 6.
In order to find what each value means youll need to have fun by opening up your game sell items see the your current gold value in game, to see your mines level youll need to upgrade them to 5 or 6 to find the value on the editor. The highlighted part is the amount of gold. Somewhat like this but all saved data should and will be different from my one.Īfter you saved the file you want to enter this site and insert your decode data from your save file to the import just like ive done. When downloaded you should have a text document with your save. Now youve open up your setting page go alllllllll theeee wayy down to the account management setting and download your save. Open your game up and go to your settings just as like the screen shot shows^^ Soooo hopefully this guide not uselss da? as the amount of adds i was getting regarding on modding your game file. It got to the point where the previous guide was useless.